Thinking about Selling, but unsure of who to trust?

Let Mike Buonfiglio & North Shore Property Group help you navigate the real estate market.

If you are looking to sell your property, hassle-free, to someone you can trust, North Shore Property Group offers a reliable solution. With a track record of 15 years in acquiring and developing real estate, their team brings unmatched expertise and opportunities to their clients. North Shore Property Group understands the challenges of various real estate processes, confusing commissions, properties losing value on the market, and navigating opportunities. They are dedicated to helping you avoid pitfalls and achieving your real estate goals.

…Mike was the answer to my problems. He's helped me a lot of different ways with a lot of different things, answered many questions, giving me help and extra time. I really feel that he's been above and beyond. I highly recommend North Shore Property Group for anybody that's interested in selling their home.